611 St Clair Ave W Toronto ON M6C 1A3
Rental Space
St Michael & All Angels church offers a variety of spaces for hosting music lessons, tutoring, family events such as birthdays and reunions, and meeting space for community groups at affordable rates.
If interested in renting space at St Michael & All Angels, please contact our office for availability, fees,
and further details. 416-653-3593 or smaachurchoffice@gmail.com

The Chapel
Ideal for small to medium sized community meetings and more intimate musical and choral recitals. Accommodates up to 50 people.
This space is wheelchair accessible
The Church
St Michael's church sanctuary is a beautiful space with excellent acoustics for hosting musical and choral events. This space is also popular for community events, including film screenings. Equipped with A/V system. Accommodates up to 230 people.
​This space is wheelchair accessible
The Vestry Room
A more intimate space ideal for tutoring sessions, music lessons, and board meetings for groups of up to 8-10 people, with single-occupancy washroom ensuite.
​This space is wheelchair accessible

Our full-size gymnasium is perfect for children's sports groups and activities, and larger group events. Accommodates up to 100 people.
Parish Hall
Popular for family and community gatherings and ideal for events where food will be served. Tables and chairs can be set up according to tenant needs upon request. Accommodates up to 50 people.
This space is wheelchair accessible
Upper Room
An enclosed room ideal for small to medium sized groups, Ensuite washroom and small kitchen. Accommodates up to 25 people.
Parish Hall Stage
* Not available for rental at this time
An enclosed stage area equipped with a piano, typically used for music lessons in small groups or one-on-one.

Community Partners
Find information on music lessons, Brownies and Girl Guides, and other activities here
St Michael & All Angels Daycare: Infant, Toddler, & Pre-school age daycare programs available.
(416) 653-1424 www.stmichaelsdaycare.com
Embers: Part of the Girl Guides program, for girls ages 7-8.
Girl Guides: Neighbourhood group for Girl Guides Canada. www.girlguides.ca/web
Wychwood Clarinet Choir: Toronto-based ensemble founded in 2009, lead by conductor and clarinetist Michele Jacot. Concerts are held throughout the year.
ABC Academy of Music: Music lessons for all ages, with classes out of St Michael & All Angels on Tuesday and Saturday mornings. www.music-lessons.ca Contact: 416-651-7529